Midwest Deals ANDES TOWER HILLS, MINN., will give you a punch and save you up to 50 percent off the daily lift ticket rate. The transferable $34.50 three-time punch card is good for one weekday, one Saturday and one Sunday. The transferable $75 five-punch card, which can be used any day of the week, offers a 35 percent savings. Call 877-542-6337. CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN, MICH., encourages skiers to cut out of work early to sneak in a few runs on the next day’s lift ticket. Starting from $49, this per-night package includes studio lodging and a lift pass. (Midweek lift tickets alone cost $35.) Children 6 and under ski free. Ages 7-18 pay $10 each. Offer is valid from opening day through Dec. 14, then on Tuesday and Wednesday nights Jan. 2 through closing. Not valid Feb. 13-14 or Feb. 20-21. Call 800-968-7686. DEVIL’S HEAD, WIS., offers $10 lift tickets every Thursday night throughout the season, giving new meaning to happy hour specials. Call 800-472-6670 or visit www.devils-head.com . SHANTY CREEK, MICH., today, Boyne Mountain tomorrow. The Michigan Ski Industries Association’s $149 White Gold Card is your gold mine. Show the card at the lift ticket windows at each of more than 20 ski areas around the state and you’ll receive a day lift ticket. Only 400 passes are issued. Call 248-620-4448 or visit www.goskimichigan.com . TYROL BASIN, WIS., invites never-evers to take their first lesson free with rental equipment and a beginner-area lift ticket Tuesdays from 7-10 p.m. Jan. 2-March 8. Participants must be at least 11 years old. Wednesday night is family night— from 6 to 8 p.m., a parent or other adult and up to two children (at least 6 years old) get lift passes, lessons and rental equipment for free, Jan. 2-March 8. Reservations are required. Deals for near-never-evers are available, too. Call 608-437-4135 or visit www.tyrolbasin.com . WELCH VILLAGE, MINN., will pay you a day of skiing for a recruitment fee. On Saturday or Sunday, sign up a never-ever (16 and older) for a two-day learn-to-ski or snowboard package, and, in return, you’ll get a free lift pass that day. Cost for a two-day package, which includes lift ticket, lessons and equipment rental, is $55 for skiing and $70 for snowboarding. The second lesson can be on any weekend day during the season. Call 651-222-7070 ext. 33 or visit www.welchvillage.com . |